Contact Us

Get in touch

Fill out our inquiry form or reach out via email or text with any questions 


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do you offer grab and go options?

    yes we offer grab and go garlands pick up in Northlake or argyle

    I want a personalized backdrop do you offer this?

    We work with an amazing designer to offer personalized foam core backdrops. We can change theme font colors and more to make you a one of a kind photo op. These backdrops need to be ordered a month and a half in advance so make sure to inquire early 

    What is the cost per food for balloons?

    We charge $19 per foot for your choice of three basic colors and $22 dollars per foot  to add metallic balloons

    Will there be a travel fee?

    If your event is outside of Argyle, Northlake, or Flower Mound you may see a travel fee on your invoice to account for gas and time away from our babies while we party with you!

    My party is six months away when do I inquire?

    Its never too early to plan your event even if you do not have all the details we would love to get you on the calendar and follow up as it gets closer so we can make your event a priority 

    I have a specific color scheme can you color match?

    yes, we will color match balloons and love getting an inspiration photo or colors you love so we can have cohesive balloons and decor! You are in great hands with Davis Duo 

    How do I get on your calendar?

    Submit an inquiry once you are happy with the plan we take a 50% non refundable deposit to reserve your date order supplies and make a virtual mock up. We prefer zelle or Venmo for the deposit. The remaining amount is due the day of your event when we arrive prior to set up 

    How long will the balloons last?

    Balloons are professional grade and the best quality on the market indoors out of direct sun your balloons can last weeks to months if properly stored. Outdoors balloons will become oxidized or matte in color but will last a few days depending on weather and sunlight in the area. We can give you advice on the best places to set up your balloons to make them last the longest and look their best! 

    I have a strict budget what can I do?

    Please message us with your budget in your first inquiry to us so we can make a plan around you 

    I don't see a rental item I am looking for what do I do?

    If you don’t see an item in our inventory that is a must for you please send us an inspiration photo we will do everything we can to either add that item to our inventory or find another vendor to work with so we can make your dream a reality! 

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